ঢাকা, রবিবার   ১৩ অক্টোবর ২০২৪

Abnormal children are born due to drug addiction

Abdul Awal

প্রকাশিত : ১৬:৪১, ৫ নভেম্বর ২০২১ | আপডেট: ২০:৫৪, ২২ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২২

When a baby comes into the world, the whole family is flooded with joy. Happiness spread around. But when a child comes into the family of a drug addict, happiness turns to sadness. Congested tears appear in both eyes.

A drug addict's use of drugs changes the cells in his body. The normal functioning of hormones is disrupted. After all, the blue poison of the drug spread to his child. As a result, the children of drug addicts are born abnormal. All the information that came out in the search of Ekushey Television Online.

Rukhsana Begum (pseudonym) lives in Begunbari of the capital. He got married in a family way. Husband's economic condition is also good. After a few days of marriage, she came to know that her husband was addicted to drugs. He consumes drug yaba regularly. She claimed that she tried hard to get her husband back from drugs but could not get her back. After one and a half years, the marriage broke up. He moved to his father's house. He then promises to give up drugs. After a few days it started again. There is nothing more to say about happiness in the family. A son comes into the family. According to Rukhsana, her forehead is so bad that the child is born slightly abnormal.

Rukhsana said, "After the birth of the child, I thought I had at least one recourse. But my grief increased. The child is not normal. The doctor said the effects of the drug on the child could be this.

Before marriage, Rokhsana did not know that her husband was a drug addict. When he finds out, his dream life is completely shattered. Sometimes the drug addict husband raised his hands on her. In the dark night no one could see her cries of unspoken pain. Thus many abnormal children are born in the families of drug addicts.

Parveen Sultana (pseudonym) lives in Badda Area. After marriage, she came to know that her husband was addicted to drugs. The two often quarreled over this. She also treated her husband in various drug addiction centers to get rid of drugs. But still he could not quit drugs. In between, a baby boy comes across their lap. But the boy is somewhat unusual.

According to Parveen, "I don't know why this happened. My baby seems slightly abnormal. I am treating him. The doctor says the problem will be cured.

Experts say that people who are addicted to drugs like marijuana, heroin, cocaine, opium, phencidil and yaba undergo a kind of change in their body. which affects his child. Drugs disrupt the normal functioning of hormones in the body. Greatly hinders the development of fertility. Children under the influence of drugs are more likely to be born with mental retardation or abnormality.

If the husband or wife is addicted to drugs, why will the child be abnormal? If you want to know about this, prominent psychologist Dr. Tajul Islam told Ekushe Television Online, "If a mother consumes drugs during pregnancy, it creates a terrible situation. It directly affects the child. And if the father is a drug addict, there is a high chance of giving birth to a deformed or abnormal child. The cells of the mother or father's body are changed due to drug consumption. It causes harm to the child. Apart from this, quarrels, fights, turmoil in the family have a direct impact on the children. Later, the child also becomes addicted to drugs in many cases.

Currently, drugs are spread all over the country. Youth society is ending in this terrible consumption of drugs. Those who are addicted to drugs today will give birth to the next generation. If that generation is not raised in a healthy way then the whole nation will move towards darkness.

Visiting various rehabilitation centers and drug addiction treatment centers, children of drug addicts are being born with mental retardation or abnormality. Many such patients come to them whose children are abnormal. They said, many drug addicts come to us whose children are abnormal. Such incidents are increasing day by day. The rate of abnormal births is increasing. Before we did not know about these things, but now many people are sharing with us.

One such drug service center is Holy Life. Its manager Riaz Uddin Ekushey told Television Online, we have many patients here. We are treating them. But we have information that some of them who are married have abnormal children. Often such patients come to us. I think the effect on the child is due to the father's drug use.

Riyad Rahman, case manager of 'Arjan' drug addiction treatment and rehabilitation center, said similar things. He said, "It is true that the children of those who are addicted to drugs are born with disabilities or abnormally. We have many such patients. They are receiving treatment. Many come secretly and communicate with us. Once upon a time people were shy to talk about these things. Now many people are aware they are sharing any problem with us. He is consulting on how to cure the abnormality of the child.

Faruq Rahman Mintu, administrator of drug addiction treatment center 'Prashanti' said, I have 4/5 patients whose children are abnormal. Such problems are increasing day by day. It is now doing more harm due to the chemical changes that make the drug. Once drugs used to affect the body, now they are affecting the brain more.     

Taking drugs affects the child. If you want to know whether there is any statistics on children being abnormal in Bangladesh, the professor of clinical psychology department of Dhaka University dr. Mohammad Mahmudur Rahman said, "At present, through various surveys and researches, we see that the number of women among drug addicts has increased a lot. Along with men, women are also addicted to drugs. If the parents take drugs, because of them germs or harmful effects enter into the child. Due to which some abnormality is created in the child. And this is a very normal thing. Abnormal children can be caused by taking drugs. However, there is no research on this in our country. There is a lot of research on this in developed countries.

Tejgaon Narcotics Control Directorate went to investigate the matter further. The resident psychiatrist of the healing center, Dr. Rahenul Islam told ETV Online, "If the mother is addicted to drugs, it has a direct effect. Due to this, the child becomes stunted, the child is prone to seizures, mental retardation, restlessness in the child, abnormal children. In addition, if the mother takes alcohol at an adult age, then there are 40-60 percent of children who will become drug addicts. And because of father's drug taking, a similar effect is created. If a parent takes drugs, the child is more likely to take drugs as an adult. Sperm changes due to mother or father taking drugs. which later affects the child.''

"Another thing is if parents abuse each other all the time, it falls on the child. These behaviors are later genetically influenced in him.'' Said the doctor Rahenul Islam.

Currently, the spread of drugs in our society is in a dire situation. Talented faces of colleges and universities are blue due to drug poisoning. If this situation continues, the nation will one day be devoid of talent. The children born through them will come into the world with some kind of defect. Those who are supposed to be the backbone of the society will become a burden.

Dhaka University Psychology Department Chairman Nasreen Wadud spoke about this. He told Ekushey Television Online that drugs have entered the pores of our society. Who is responsible for this? Some influential people of this society are responsible. Those who have made billions of money by selling drugs. They always remain out of touch. The law can do nothing to them. I think they should be stopped now. No matter how big the powers are, action must be taken against them to protect the nation and the youth. Strict measures should be taken to prevent drugs from coming across the border.





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